How Do I Protect Myself While Running?
There are few things that make us feel as good as getting outdoors for a walk or run. It’s refreshing, healthy, and inspiring. Unfortunately, many people don’t feel safe out on their daily runs, and sadly, for good reason. This doesn’t mean we should miss out on any of the goodness that the outdoors has to offer, but it does help us stay vigilant, be wise, and carry a self-defence product with us. There are a few options on the market, but the latest gadget to become popular with runners especially is a small self-defence ring.
What Is a Self-Defence Ring?
This ring fits on your finger like a normal ring, but it doesn’t contain any jewels. Instead, it features a small, serrated knife. The blade is designed with glass-infused heavy-duty plastic, which is by no means lethal but can cause some injury and give you a chance to escape. Since the ring is worn on your hand, it won’t fall and can’t be knocked to the ground. If attacked, you don’t need time to grab it from a pouch first, either.
Self-Defence Ring Safety Features
Although you’ll be wearing the ring as a way to defend yourself successfully if something happens, you’re probably wondering if there’s any risk you’ll hurt yourself while wearing it. After all, we’re not used to wearing mini-serrated weapons on our fingers all day.
First of all, unless you make a fist and try to punch yourself purposefully, you won’t hurt yourself accidentally when wearing the ring. The ring blade features a plastic cover that moves when applied with force. When wearing it as usual, the cover offers protection from accidental scratches or scrapes.
A self-defence ring is designed to work with your hand so that you have to intentionally create a fist to jab someone. If you accidentally fall, your natural instinct would be to stretch out your hand. This means the blade will run parallel to your fingers and won’t scrape you.
A self-defence ring doesn’t cause dramatic injury and doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be confronted. If you decide to fight back and hit the attacker with something sharp, though, your attacker is more likely to run away than when you have no defence at all.
Safety Tips For Runners
The best way to protect yourself is by not putting yourself in a compromising situation in the first place. Whether it’s keeping yourself safe from traffic, falling hazards, or from an attacker, taking a few steps to remain safe when running is important. Not only will you enjoy your workout more but you’ll be able to run with confidence and really reap the benefits physically and mentally of getting outdoors.
Use the following basic tips to stay safe on your daily run:
- It is preferable not to wear headphones while you’re running outdoors. You need to be able to hear people, cars, and bicycles. If you really need the tunes to keep you going, make sure the volume is low enough so you can still hear what’s happening around you.
- If you are running before sunrise or after sunset, wearing a headlamp and reflective clothing or strips is a must. Stick only to routes you know well when running in the dark and keep your phone on you.
- Change up your routine. Adjust the times you run and the route when possible. You can even just change the direction of the loop you are running around the neighbourhood, run an hour earlier or later.
- Always let someone in your family (or a housemate) know where you’ll be running.
- If there are sidewalks, use them.
You should always stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially if you’re running alone. If you take a few simple precautions and trust your gut, you can get your daily runners high and still enjoy every minute of it.